Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Alegbra II

     This year, one of the content classes I am taking is Algebra II, with Mr. Olsen. The class is first period in room 108. When the class first started, I expected a repeat of what I finished learning in freshman year Algebra I, and then go further delve further into algebra. So far, I have had my memory refreshed with some of the things I learned in Algebra I, as well as some things I never knew. Some of the things we will be learning are the real number system, linear system, expressions, equations, and inequalities, and patterns sequences and functions. Also, we will be learning quadratic equations and dunctions, polynomials and polynomial functions, rational functions, and probability and statistics.

     Mr. Olsen's grading policy is 70% formal assessments , 20% formative assessments, and 10% homework. Within the category of formal assessments, quizzes are 25% and tests are worth 45% of the 70%. Our final grade will be calculated from the 4th marking period grades and mid term/final exam. There are virtually no interesting aspects of the class because it is an algebra class and algebra is math and I abhor math. Nothing can possibly make any miniscule part of algebra an enjoyable subject to learn.
     Mr. Olsen uses his iPad and connects it with a smartboard, in order to introduce technology into the class. In the beginning of class, he sets up a do-now on the smartboard with a timer for 5 minutes. When the timer goes off, a song turns on and we must go over the do-now with Mr. Olsen. If I did not despise the subject of algebra so much, this would be almost an interesting assignment. This year, I expect to expand my knowledge of algebra in my Period 1, Algebra II class with Mr. Olsen.

Mr. Olsen's Website - xx
Khan Academy - xx    

1 comment:

  1. http://egrell.blogspot.com/2014/09/web-20-multimedia-blog-posting.html
    check out this blawg
