This holiday break was one of the happiest I've had in a while. My brother was able to come home to spend two weeks with us for the holidays. We were able to spend time as a family and go to church as per our tradition and faith. On the Saturday that followed, I went to Bear Mountain with my father, brother, and family friends. We had a grill and then went ice skating nearby at Bear Mountain Ice Rink. It was a very fun time. A few days later, my friends asked me if I wanted to go ice skating with them at Rockefeller Center. My friend's dad drove us there but it was too crowded and too expensive so we instead walked to Central Park and went ice skating at Trump Rink. It was nice to ice skate with my friends who hadn't gone in a few years and watch them fall multiple times. Friday was one of my good friend's birthday's so I spent the day with her and got sick, concluding the holiday break.
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